




edition RARWRITER.com begins to
explore the process of independent filmmaking through
development of a project that has been years in the making.
The setup is a classic romance of a
young man who, longing for a love he cannot have, experiences a
wonderland of liaisons with female archetypes. A 20-something
musician whose natural milieu is the urban underworld, he
explores love, lust and sympathetic desire through 18 musical
compositions ranging in mode from rock and blues and a show tune
or two to alternative modern ballads. Musical scenes, which are
not conceived as music videos (ala MTV) but rather as artistic
set pieces providing the director room to explore the songs in
the context of a thematic structure, are connected through brief
exchanges of dialogue between key characters, which are always
designed to introduce the next musical transition.
As models one might consider
the Universe,
Beginners and
Songs on an
Mariachi-type budget of $15,000 to $30,000.
Another example might be Francis Ford Coppola's One From the
Heart. A thoughtful person may look at that list and note
that every one of those films was something less than a box
office sensation, and almost all were critically panned (not
El Mariachi, which launched the American film career of
Director Robert Rodriguez, whose sequel Desperado starred
Selma Hayak and Antonio Banderas).
"The RAR Movie" project is not so
much about the arriving at a final destination as it is
documenting the journey along the way. That said, if the right
director could be found - some intuitive, creative person who
could develop compelling story-telling images for what is
primarily a visual set to music - the project provides
some juicy opportunities for the right young actors and
The script is written, a draft of
the shooting script is available (to convey concepts), and demo
versions of the 18-song soundtrack are available on CD. The need is for cast and crew,
including a director of photography, who could complete the work under tight budget constraints and do it
well enough to compete for entry at film festivals.
The project yields two primary
products, a DVD and Soundtrack CD, and provides an extraordinary
opportunity for a talented group of primarily young people
(click here to read casting requirements) to do interesting
Stay with RARWRITER.com as over the
next many editions as we explore the process of :
Development - Creation of
the work
Pre-Production - Cast,
crew and location selections; shooting script refined
Production - Digital
Post-Production -
Editing, production sound, music tracks (and songs)
recorded, computer-graphic 'visual' effects digitally added,
sound elements mixed and synchronized to picture, film lock
Sales and Distribution -
Entry to independent film festivals and markets
Can a project of this nature be
accomplished? This is what this series explores, as we visit the
rich resources of the San Francisco Bay Area to learn what may
be accomplished through vision, execution of technical
abilities, application of resources, and the right kinds of
here to read Part 1 of "The RAR
Movie Series".

Notes from RAR
